The importance of internet rules
What is ethics and morality ? I would like to say that ethic is the theory of the moral. Everyone wants to believe they have high ethics standards, what moral standard you have shows in how you behave every day. In our everyday life we usually behave and follow our society’s unwritten rules. But what about our etics when it comes to internet society? I don’t think the ethic rules are so worked in that they are obvious for us all. I wonder if it is easier to be more carless about ethic rules when it comes to internet? It is common knowledge not to steel when you go to a shop. But when we surf on the internet and download films and music without paying, is it not steeling? And copying pictures and documents belonging to other people whiteout asking if it is okay, is it not steeling?
On the other side you should not place something on the internet if you don’t want other people to use of your materials. I use to tell my children: If you place something on the internet, make sure that your grandparents would think this was okay if they should stumble over it on the internet. I think this rule makes them think twice before placing pictures and other stuff on the internet. And if you want to show your work on the internet, you can licens your work through for examples creative commons, and your name will follow the work.
This youtube video givs us a good picture on sharing personal work on the internet. A good solution to get your work easy and quickly on the internet is to use scribid. In the end we must not forget that the internet is all about opportunities, empowerment, knowledge and freedom. You have unimagined opportunities to find whatever you are looking for, and place whatever you want to on the internet. You also have the freedom to look and place what you want on the internet. Let us also hope that we can get enough knowledge to reflect and think before we visit or place materials on the internet. Let us hope that we can be empowered by the opportunities, freedom and knowledge and be empowered people in our journey on the internet.
Have a nice day!
Denne bloggen er laget som ett ledd i en av oppgavene på IKT og læring studiet ved Nesna Høgskole.
tirsdag 23. mars 2010
IKT and cultural dimensjon
Internets impact on local history.
The internet has made the world smaller in a way, bringing information instantly from the hole world in to our living room. We are no longer only citizens of our country, but citizens of the world. This givs us the oppotuniti to let the rest of the world get to know how we live our life for instans in my contry, Norway. A cople a years ago I found a web site called World heritage. In the UNESCO project World heritage they say "Reflecting the natural and cultural wealth that belongs to all of humanity, World Heritage sites and monuments constitute crucial landmarks for our world. They symbolize the consciousness of states and peoples of the significance of these places and reflect their attachment to collective ownership and to the transmission of this heritage to future generations." I think this is a great project that shows the whole world that local culture is important for the whole world. Unesco has made a list over the worlds natural and cultural inheritage. Norway have seven areas on this list, and among this is Vegaøyene. My grandmother was born on one of these islands, Skjærvær. The most especially whit these islands are the goose feather collecting that has been going on for ages.
Dunsanking på Vegaøyene
This is a task I wrote last year in social sciences course, about collecting goose feathers in the World Heritage Area, Vegaøyene.
The internet is an important tool to reach out to people over the world. Beaucase of this publicity tourists flock to the Vegaøyene. This is an youtube video showing the work of cleaning the goose feathers.
The people on one of the Island, Lånan, has even managed to make buisniss from the publishing on the internet. Lånan let tourist come to the Island and experienc how life was 100 years ago. They also have a internett shop where you can buy duvets, jewelry,dishes and clothing. You can also rent your own stone house, with a eider in for a season (may and june).
They will send you pictures and in e-mail tell you how things are getting on in your stone house every week. This is an unik oppotunety for people from all over the world to follow a ancient tradition closely and maby they will bring it on to their children again. I think it is a really good thing that so many people can learn about ancient cultures by just surfing on the internet. Maybye you learned somthing reading this ?
Have a nice day !
The internet has made the world smaller in a way, bringing information instantly from the hole world in to our living room. We are no longer only citizens of our country, but citizens of the world. This givs us the oppotuniti to let the rest of the world get to know how we live our life for instans in my contry, Norway. A cople a years ago I found a web site called World heritage. In the UNESCO project World heritage they say "Reflecting the natural and cultural wealth that belongs to all of humanity, World Heritage sites and monuments constitute crucial landmarks for our world. They symbolize the consciousness of states and peoples of the significance of these places and reflect their attachment to collective ownership and to the transmission of this heritage to future generations." I think this is a great project that shows the whole world that local culture is important for the whole world. Unesco has made a list over the worlds natural and cultural inheritage. Norway have seven areas on this list, and among this is Vegaøyene. My grandmother was born on one of these islands, Skjærvær. The most especially whit these islands are the goose feather collecting that has been going on for ages.
Dunsanking på Vegaøyene
This is a task I wrote last year in social sciences course, about collecting goose feathers in the World Heritage Area, Vegaøyene.
The internet is an important tool to reach out to people over the world. Beaucase of this publicity tourists flock to the Vegaøyene. This is an youtube video showing the work of cleaning the goose feathers.
The people on one of the Island, Lånan, has even managed to make buisniss from the publishing on the internet. Lånan let tourist come to the Island and experienc how life was 100 years ago. They also have a internett shop where you can buy duvets, jewelry,dishes and clothing. You can also rent your own stone house, with a eider in for a season (may and june).
They will send you pictures and in e-mail tell you how things are getting on in your stone house every week. This is an unik oppotunety for people from all over the world to follow a ancient tradition closely and maby they will bring it on to their children again. I think it is a really good thing that so many people can learn about ancient cultures by just surfing on the internet. Maybye you learned somthing reading this ?
Have a nice day !
torsdag 18. februar 2010
“Information Society – implications for education and socialization”
Digital citizens
I learned a new word today. Digital natives. It is actually a word that erases the country borders, and makes a hole generation citizens of the world. My children are digital natives and takes part in this globalization. A digital native is a person for whom digital technologies already existed when they were born. The person has grown up with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones and MP3s. Digital natives wikipedia
A website called "Digital natives" are made by an interdisciplinary collaboration of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and the Research Center for Information Law at the University of St. Gallen. Their aim is to understand and support young people as they grow up in a digital age. Among their projects you can find blog, wiki and a book. The book is called Born digital and is written by John Palfrey and Urs Gassers.
You can also check out this video about digital natives on youtube :
My self I am a digital immigrant.I have had to adapt to this new and digital society. Digital immigrants can have problems whith trusting the digital world and takes precautions such as printing documents rather than commenting on screen or printing out emails to save in hard copy form and calling someone on the telephone to ask if they have received a sent e-mail. Just like me. :D
I have no problems seeing myself in this youtube video about digital immigrants.
We digitale immigrants can compare our selves with immigrants from a foreign contry moving to a new contry. They need help from the natives to adapt to their new life. And whit some help the adaption are usually no problem. I need help to adapt from the digital natives. Then we can all live together in our digitale society, witch has taken over for the industrial society that I grew up in. The man that introduced the term "digital natives and digital immigrants" in 2001, is Marc Prensky.
Prensky - Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - Part1
Marc Prensky is an internationally acclaimed speaker, writer, consultant, and designer in the critical areas of education and learning. He helps the teachers change their pedagogy in ways that are more effective for 21st century students. In the end of this reflection I want to show you a video of the joy beeing a real digital native. I am actually quite happy to called my self a digital citizen.
Have a nice day !
I learned a new word today. Digital natives. It is actually a word that erases the country borders, and makes a hole generation citizens of the world. My children are digital natives and takes part in this globalization. A digital native is a person for whom digital technologies already existed when they were born. The person has grown up with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones and MP3s. Digital natives wikipedia
A website called "Digital natives" are made by an interdisciplinary collaboration of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and the Research Center for Information Law at the University of St. Gallen. Their aim is to understand and support young people as they grow up in a digital age. Among their projects you can find blog, wiki and a book. The book is called Born digital and is written by John Palfrey and Urs Gassers.
You can also check out this video about digital natives on youtube :
My self I am a digital immigrant.I have had to adapt to this new and digital society. Digital immigrants can have problems whith trusting the digital world and takes precautions such as printing documents rather than commenting on screen or printing out emails to save in hard copy form and calling someone on the telephone to ask if they have received a sent e-mail. Just like me. :D
I have no problems seeing myself in this youtube video about digital immigrants.
We digitale immigrants can compare our selves with immigrants from a foreign contry moving to a new contry. They need help from the natives to adapt to their new life. And whit some help the adaption are usually no problem. I need help to adapt from the digital natives. Then we can all live together in our digitale society, witch has taken over for the industrial society that I grew up in. The man that introduced the term "digital natives and digital immigrants" in 2001, is Marc Prensky.
Prensky - Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - Part1
Marc Prensky is an internationally acclaimed speaker, writer, consultant, and designer in the critical areas of education and learning. He helps the teachers change their pedagogy in ways that are more effective for 21st century students. In the end of this reflection I want to show you a video of the joy beeing a real digital native. I am actually quite happy to called my self a digital citizen.
Have a nice day !
onsdag 3. februar 2010
Jeg- en blogger ?
Dette er min første blogg, kan bli spennende dette. Kommer nok til å skrive om litt av hvert. Er for tiden veldig opptatt med student oppgaver som praksisrapport, refleksjonsnotat og innovasjonsoppgave i spesialpedagogikk. Må vel få tid til å blogge litt innimellom :D
Ha en fin dag !
Ha en fin dag !
tirsdag 2. februar 2010
How does ICT influence social life ?
When I was a little girl the technology was not so complicated as it is today. There was only one TV channel and it didn't start until 18.00 in the evening. Only one childrens program on tv each day, and no longer than 30 minutes. The scariest program ever was "Pompel og Pilt".(made in 1969)
To communicate whit people distanced, we had a telephone. The telephone should only be used to long distance calls or emergencies, because it was so expensive to use. Today in our information, communication and technology society the picture is completely another. For exaple if you telephun whit skype, it is free to call. So, is this technology revolution that has taken place only positive ? Well, mabye I am old fashion, but I like to speak to people face to face. When you speak whit people throug a computer or a cellphone parts of the message disapear. You can not read a persons body language and mime when using this technological divices. It is easy to get the wrong impression and misunderstandigs apper.
Knowledge is important to understand the unknown, how does the internet really work ? Commoncraft has made this youtube video explaining the internet, world wide web.
We no longer visit our neighbors, we speak with them on facebook,msn, sms or telephone calls. And the children who used to play outside in the snow in the winter, and play football in the summer, they do excactly the same as their parents. The children use the new technology to comunicate whit their friends, play games and school work. And dont get me started on the lack of physikal training we get, stucked behind a computer every evening !
On the other hand i can see the benefits we get from this new devices. It is nice to find both new and good old friends on the internet. We can comunicate with people from the hole world on a daily basis if we want to. And for some people it is the difference of having a sosial life or not. In the end i guess i just have to accept that the new tecnology is here to stay and trie to adjust my way of living the best i can. I just hope i dont end up like this :
Have a nice day everyone !
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